A downloadable game for Windows

Educational and historical battle simulation

Have you ever found it weird that most historical games follow only a specific version of the story? Each historical battle may have more than one side of the story where the losers tell a different story than the victor. 

Victores Et Victos lets the player take control of one of the commanders in a famous historical battle and lead the subordinate troops into combat. Each historical battle can have more than one scenario, which can affect which character will appear in the battle, how many troops, army composition, weather, battle event, and even the faction involved. For example, the Battle of Hastings will feature a scenario based on the Norman poem "Carmen de Hastingae Proelio", which exaggerates that the Saxon army outnumbered the Norman army 10 to 1. Compared to another scenario based on the Saxon chronicle that recounted the Saxon army as the underdog in the battle. 

In the full release, the game will feature 3 pre-set campaigns featuring:

  • Ancient Egypt New Kingdom era (4 Battles) 
  • The rise of English Norman (7 battles) involving
  • The Ottoman Empire (6 battles).

Accordingly, the game will feature historical troops of the factions involved, such as Norman Conroi, Huscarl, Ottoman Janissary, Sea People Raider, Egyptian Chariot, and many more. Each leader and troop will have different strengths, weaknesses, sets of equipment, skills, and traits.

The game is an open-source serious (educational) game project: The source code of the game is available at the source code link.

The current stage of the game is still far from the full release version of at least 1 more year of development. All feedback and suggestions are appreciated and will help improve the game further.


Victores Et Victos - Windows Demo 133 MB

Install instructions

No installation needed. To start the game, simply open main.exe in the game folder.

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